Hibiscus Coast Triathlon & Multisport Club
Welcome | Haere Mai
Our Club is defined by a small, friendly group of people on the Hibiscus Coast who enjoy the sport of Triathlon. Most of our training is done on the Coast and in the surrounding areas.
Brief History
Our Club was established in 1993 and incorporated in 2004, shortly before we became an Affiliated Member of TriNZ. The Club has a positive reputation by those who govern the sport and our core group of active, long-standing members are highly accomplished.
Key Objectives
To promote and encourage participation in the sports of road running, triathlon, multisports and their associated derivatives whether racing, for recreation, fitness or training.
To organise, administer and represent on a community and national basis, the sports of road running, triathlon, multisports and their associated derivatives whether racing, for recreation, fitness or training.